What do you get when you cross a giant hyena, a scorpion, and a snowman?

It’s a rhetorical question? What’s that? You really don’t want to know? Sorry I didn’t hear that it’s a Shoosuva.


Talking points: Catalina frustrations, big pilgrim hats, panther onsie mug shots, cross that bridge when we oh we’re already knee deep in water, the black sedan of the arctic, demon bakers, what siths and gnolls have in common, and the CW of battlefield gods.

Referenced episodes

  • Exaban, the battle-lord: ep. 7
  • Yamdallah, mecca of the dragonborn: ep. 16
  • Bremann, the festival of lights: ep. 33
  • Umak, Mutestriss of Anasthaesia: ep. 50


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