"The ascent to greatness, however steep and dangerous, may entertain an active spirit with the consciousness and exercise of its own power: but the possession of a throne could never yet afford a lasting satisfaction to an ambitious mind.”
– Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

The deepest pool is found with a wayward step, and boy did we step in it this week. In what certainly becomes a two-parter, we begin by asking the question of handling borders, and find ourselves neck-deep in a thorough dissection of the histories of Aevum Tertius. Enjoy!

Have some of your own thoughts? Join the Aftermath on r/thelorekeepers!

Referenced Episodes

  • Yeva, the first city and the fate of the Knowing: S1.1
  • The Shrouded Empire, the first "nation: S1.2
  • the Avireal, the dream-legends of elves: S1.15
  • En’golin, the First mecca of the distant Maker: S1.20
  • Strife-spire, the cause of millenia of conflict: S1.25
  • Spans, the primal entrapment: S1.34
  • The Nine, defenders of the Nineflow: S1.37
  • The Eight, the dragons, the Aspects, and the macrowar: S1.67

Mentioned in this episode, expounded on in the Record of the Lorekeeper:

  • Glossolalia
  • Sigils, Glyphs, Runes


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